Ingicim: 17 kg weight loss in 5 months

I try to summarize my story in a couple of lines, though I would not say success because I think I have more to shape myself.
I started drinking from 1.7 kg on July 1st, before eating everything that was good as it went well. Then I found CalorieBase, set up 1200 calories a day and tried to keep it. In the first month it was very difficult, I had to realize that I was able to eat up to 3000 to 3500 calories in front of her. I admit I did not drive my meals daily, but I watched a lot, how much, after a while.
The pounds started to melt me ​​slowly, sometimes I went to the gym, even though I did not take that part seriously. Meanwhile, I read a lot of things about dieting and diet, and I got there, none of them worth anything. I had the idea of ​​not eating something that suddenly raised the blood sugar level, and I combined this with my 1,200 calories. I put down the cigar in September! Before I took it off with a one-and-a-half drum a day, then one day I decided I did not have to, but it hindered my dieting, because I often eat unnecessarily just because it is bad taste of the number, just because it hurts my stomach ... The 3-4 meals a day and minimum 2 liter of liquid is very important, so I had to come up with it. I left white flour, bread, edible oil and sugar. I drink coffee already without sugars, long ago with 3-4 sugars! By mid-October, I lost 14 pounds, and by the end of November I still have 3 pounds, since then I have kept my weight. Now I promised that I would include the move from January :) I would like to put another 4 kilos to get 50 flies, then to be firmer and muscular. I will not give up!!!

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