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Diet Log

If you want to print your detailed diary (or open in Excel), you can export it into comma separated .csv file.

Date Days Calorie Intake Calorie Burning Kcal Burning (Daily Routine) Daily Balance    
2024.07.27 Saturday 0 0
2024.07.26 Friday 0 0
2024.07.25 Thursday 0 0
2024.07.24 Wednesday 0 0
2024.07.23 Tuesday 0 0
2024.07.22 Monday 0 0
2024.07.21 Saturday 0 0
2024.07.20 Saturday 0 0
2024.07.19 Friday 0 0
2024.07.18 Thursday 0 0
2024.07.17 Wednesday 0 0
2024.07.16 Tuesday 0 0
2024.07.15 Monday 0 0
2024.07.14 Saturday 0 0
2024.07.13 Saturday 0 0
Total: 0 0 0 0
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Our calculations are based on Harris-Benedict formula.

The use of our app is your own responsibility. The material appearing in our app is for educational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
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