Éva: 40 kg weight loss in 22 monhts

The story of my weight loss started at a September trip. I had to climb up a hill where I got sick, my heart was 200 and my blood pressure around 200. I was a bit scared because I was overweight (110 kg), but I did not really have any physical discomfort. I work as a nurse, after the arrhythmia I had to take a medicine and the doctor required me to lose one pound a week. One of my patients said he spent 40kg with the CalorieBase :). Well, I went to the site and registered myself. I do not say I kept driving, but I wrote many times about the meals and the movements I had on average 1200 calories a day. It was a great deal to see how much calories I took. I bought a gym, I got a personal trainer and started to lose weight. As the months passed and I was getting more and more positive feedback came, it was a great feeling. I knew my daughter would have a wedding, so I set a goal to lose 70kg. It was my wedding this weekend and I managed to reach the goal. 22 months -40kg, the initial 48 dress sizes today 38. I enjoy it so much that I can buy pretty clothes. The real task now is to keep weight and to blend my body a bit.
There were torpedoes, it did not last for months, but it was necessary to keep it in this case. I'm telling everyone not to give up, to be persistent, to have a goal in front and it will succeed !!! Ja and I could leave the medicine in half a year. :)

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