Bojtika: 26 kg weight loss

Last year, alone, I had to say that the round, energetic, muscular weakness is not me. I was 74 kg and I tried to eat my own appetite a few weeks before the test, so I probably would have been 75-76 kg originally, but I was never even that.

At that time I was 54, with plenty of experience, fortunately instinctively stubborn. I knew I had to count, because I followed this method already in 81 when I ran out of street running races with a gram without overweight and great health at 48 pounds. Fortunately, I found the Base soon enough, so I went back to 48 kg again, although my condition is not perfect.

I do not believe in any dietary theory, weight loss or trend. I just try to understand my body's feelings as much as possible.

My 56th birthday was the beginning of my second 56 years.


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