Anett: 8 kg weight loss in 1 month

For a long time, I started in my diary for about a month and I was very happy when I found the pages because it is a great help to me. My method is very simple: I banished from my life everything that we say today is fatten or unhealthy. Only drinking water is only alkaline or detoxifying and green tea. I sometimes get coffee, I can not give up :).
I do not eat any harmful carbohydrates or sugars. I'm trying to keep this. I also do sports three times a week, I'm doing hot iron training, which I really like, proved to me. I started off from 75 kg, now I'm 67, although I do not like to measure it, I think it means nothing, because everything depends on how much muscle is there. Yeah and the protein shake and the amino acid do not stay out of my diet, helping me get rid of the fat and not the muscle.
Although I'm at the beginning of my trip, I hope I can help others give strength and they will also encourage me not to give up.

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