We begin our cycle series by examining a long-standing myth. Some, by frying the bread, changes its nutritional composition and becomes "dietetic."

When the bread is baked on both sides, it will be a toast. As we use a separate word for bread and toast, this creates the idea of ​​two different meals. While frying changes the appearance and texture of the bread, it only affects the nutrient content slightly.

What happens when we make a toast?
Baking bread moisture vaporizes, so it loses a little weight. Toasting, however, triggers chemical reactions on the surface of the bread, so it tastes.
This is called a Maillard reaction, which Louis Camille Maillard observed in the early 1900s.

Importance of the Maillard reaction
The frying of bread starts a series of biochemical reactions between carbohydrates (sugars) and amino acids (proteins on the bread surface). This changes the look of the bread, burns its surface and causes the taste difference. This is all because the Maillard reaction on the surface of the bread causes new molecules.

Chewing does not reduce calories
Unfortunately, we can not reduce the carbohydrate content of the bread by roasting. The Maillard reaction does not reduce the bread's calorie or carbohydrate content.
Toasting is carried out only on the bread surface, where the toaster's heatsets are close enough.

According to online nutrition information, a slice of white bread before toasting 65 kcal and 64.9 kcal after toasting.
This is a very small difference. However, considering the protein, carbohydrate and fat content, there are not so many differences.

A bit about acrylamide
Apart from examining nutrient content, it is important to be aware of the by-product of the biochemical reaction of frying.
When carbohydrates and amino acids are reacted, an acrylamide compound is formed. Acrylamide in large quantities is associated with cancerous diseases (Prof. Marion Nestle: The Atlantic Monthly, New York, 2009)

What kind of toast do we eat?
In addition to the usual nutrition tips (let's eat whole wheat flour), Mayoclinic.com says everyone should avoid having toast the very burnt parts of the toast, and it is best to have dark browns when it's light brown. This minimizes acrylamide formation. Although the relationship with burnt toasty crabs still requires further research, it is certainly better to keep in mind the above.

Source: livestrong.com

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